Fab Lab Nepal is a collaborative center for innovation, invention, education and humanitarian outreach. We provide a fully equipped digital fabrication workshop to increase access to knowledge, tools, and resources that bring ideas from heads to hands.

FabLab Introduction

Fab Labs house a wide range of digital fabrication equipment and other tools and serve as collaborative, community-oriented venues for design, prototyping, product development and invention. Fab Labs provide stimulus for local entrepreneurship, as well as a platform for learning and innovation. The Fab Lab program shares common tools and processes and is building a global network of learners, educators, technologists, researchers, makers and innovators. The lab includes training facilities, 3D printers, a laser cutter, a CNC milling machine, an electronics studio, and a general purpose shop equipped with hand and power tools for work with wood, metals, plastics, and other materials.

Vision Statement

We champion ‘making’ as a means of empowering the people of Nepal regardless of their gender, social status, ability or economic mea

FabLab Network

The Fab Lab Network is an open, creative community of fabricators, artists, scientists, engineers, educators, students, amateurs, professionals, of all ages located in more than 90 countries in approximately 1,500 Fab Labs. From community based labs to advanced research centers, Fab Labs share the goal of democratizing access to the tools for technical invention. This community is simultaneously a manufacturing network, a distributed technical education campus, and a distributed research laboratory working to digitize fabrication, inventing the next generation of manufacturing and personal fabrication.

Our Team Members
Pallab Shrestha
Tech Lead
Shashank Dewan
Senior Technical Officer
Melina Tuladhar
Assitant Technical Officer
Denjing Tamang
Assistant technical officer
Dol Prasad Dulal
Logistics Coordinator
Amit Hitang
Associate technical officer