Making Spaces Our research aims to understand how makerspaces can support equality, fairness, and justice for young people and their communities.

The Challenge aims to promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Mathematics) education for Nepalese girls from low-income families enrolled in Community and Government (CG) schools in the Kathmandu Valley through the production of a portable ‘STEAM Education Kit’ and STEAM teacher training for CG school teachers.

The Challenge’s vision is to encourage gender equality in the education sector in Nepal through:

  1. The design, production and distribution of a portable ‘STEAM Education Kit’ for CG girls only schools.

  2. Designing and delivering training on using the kit and running STEAM classes for the teachers involved in the Challenge

  3. Monitoring and evaluating the kit and training, and the impact of the creative and playful approach to STEAM disciplines through art on the students and teachers involved in the Challenge.

  4. Identification of external funding to:

    • scale up the pilot project developed during the challenge;

    • adapt and develop the kit and teacher training after their evaluation;

    • extend the project to further CG schools;

    • provide access to STEAM education also to students in remote and rural areas in Nepal.

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